
Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Live Life with Fantasy Cricket Games

Owing to the growth of internet availability and smart phones, the entertainment industry has experienced a huge boom. People now want entertainment 24/7, while sitting in office or commuting back home. Live Cricket fans now don’t just wait to watch the match, but anticipate games online. Fantasy and Predictions have taken over the marketing of online cricket gaming. Fans from all over are participating in some form of online cricket gaming, their enthusiasm is not quenched with just watching the game. People have taken to joining different types of gaming platforms, from picking 11, predicting matches or quizzes.

Cricket enthusiasts look to achieve different things when searching for the perfect cricket gaming app. Some users want to show off their great reservoir of knowledge and participate in predictions, fantasy leagues or quizzes! Like NostraGamus – India’s biggest Live Cricket Prediction App, users who predict matches with great accuracy are displayed on leaderboards and earn upto Rs 50 Lakhs. Not only predicting matches, but they have the option to participating in other formats such as picking 11, quiz games or draft. These users take pride in having their name featured on the leaderboard and they share their success on social media and with friends.

There are also users who have purely a monetary goal while playing on cricket apps. It is not required to have great cricket knowledge to win cash on these apps. On NostraGamus you can participate in contests starting at just Rs 5 so you get an idea on how you rank against your competitors. If you are confident with your capabilities then you can jump to rs 10,000 or even rs 25,000 contests. Users can earn real cash directly to their bank account on apps like NostraGamus! But, as always, be smart and careful on how and when you deposit cash – don’t lose everything you have!

The casual users – people who try a variety of cricket apps but never really stick to one. They are interested in cricket, but do not want to heavily involve themselves, as fantasy cricket or even cricket predictions requires time and effort for research and understanding. But this is why I like NostraGamus, its perfect for casual users! The app provides the stats for you so you can join at any point of time without having to do the research. It’s a great gateway game so you begin to understand the fundamental of cricket predictions and fantasy.

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